Monday, November 10, 2008

Late night snacking

There are 3 things my stomach is capable of:

1) Eating an entire box of wheat thins in one sitting. Take tonight for example -- I opened up a brand spankin' new box of wheat thins, dipped them in a tub of fat-free philadelphia cream cheese, and ate them until I looked in the bottom of the box and realized there were only about 10 wheat thins left. I wish I could say this was only the first time it happened, but after counting all the times in my head, I realized i've done this about 4 or 5 times. It's should try it!! Sorry mom, you can't though... I ate all of yours.

2) Eating an entire bag of guacachips in less than 4 hours. This one was pretty sad. Now, I'm not talking about one of those little grab bags. I mean, one of those honkin big party bags that you're supposed to be able to share with about 20 other people. I only did this once, and after eating that entire bag, I burped up guaca for the next 3 days. I don't suggest trying this one at home. I still haven't been able to manage to eat guacachips since this occured.

3) Drinking an entire pitcher of Crystal Light in a 2-hour period. I think i've done it about 3 times enough this week, too... and always at night. Therefore, I wake up a lot in the morning having to "spend a penny" at the loo. My english friends should know what I'm talking about. Not that I actually have any that read this...

Oh, and one other thing. This doesn't exactly involve my stomach directly, but I am also capable of chewing 2 packs of gum within a 12-hour period. I went and bought one of those huge packs at walmart that has somewhere around 150 pieces in it, just so I wouldn't have to go back 3 times a week. I've tried to kick my gum-chewing habit about 4 times, but I always seem to give up.

I wonder if missionaries are allowed to chew gum? I'm waiting for my mission call right now! It should be here within the next few weeks, as long as the first pres has decided that the right fit has come along!! I'm checking the mailbox every night. I'm really hoping it comes on a night when my Dad is home.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Um, I was too sad when I went on a mission and found out the following (don't cry, just be aware that it's going to happen):

#1 You can't chew gum while out tracting. No rule about in the house though!

#2 You have to wear nylons. Yes. Have to. Always. Unless you are in bed. Then you can take them off. Even in the shower. Kidding.

#3 No sunglasses. This sucks if you go somewhere hot and you have to be outside all day.

#4 There is no time to properly do your hair and makeup. Get the easiest haircut possible. Learn how to do a 5 minute face.

#5 You will crave eating a big box of EVERYTHING. And you probably will. And then the members will stuff you. Pray that your mission involves a lot of walking. I think I ate a package of cookies everyday in my first two areas. I had to learn not to do that.